Facebook + Instagram ads are a very powerful tool that can help grow your business even more than you ever imagined. But there are common mistakes that I see businesses make again and again.
If you want to use Facebook + Instagram ads to skyrocket your business, avoid these three things for greater success:
You’re only targeting cold audiences.
Of course we all want more customers, but finding new people shouldn’t be your first priority. Your first priority should be converting your warm leads – website visitors, email list subscribers, and page fans into customers. They have already indicated they are interested in what you have to offer.
You don’t have a plan.
This is probably the biggest one holding you back from being successful. I truly believe if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Having a plan means more than just running conversion ads. Having a plan means you have multiple campaigns working together to acquire new potential customers, take them through the sales funnel, get them to know and trust you, then convert them into a sale or client.
You’re not harnessing the power of remarketing.
Remarketing is how you convert a lead into a sale.
You know when you’re looking at a product on one website then seen see it in your newsfeed the later that day? That is remarketing. People need to be reminded. On average only 1-2% actually buy the first time they look at a product or service.
BONUS: You try to figure it out on their own.
You don’t need to be rocket scientist to run Facebook + Instagram ads. But like most things in life, you usually can learn faster and do better with guidance from someone who has done it and succeed before.
Wish you had more traffic, leads or sales? Then it is time we chatted. Book a introductory call with our team here!